Sunday, October 23, 2011

Ra.One to Release but SRK is down.

As we all know the release date of much awaited movie of Shah Rukh Khan is near but the super star is not ready to sit down and wait for the result. He is just promoting his film as a new comer does, tirelessly. The last tweet tells tha story, how he is feeling right now. I know he is smart enough to hide his pain but I also know that he is able to tell the truth and walk smiling.
How the promotion of Ra.One is going, is sometimes make me feel sick, but when I think about the people who are associated with the project and waiting to get fruits out it, then I realise the importance if promotion.
But does SRK really need to tell the world that he movie is going to release? No, never specially in the time of so much of media hype. But he is doing and how. He oen of the best seller of India.

Shah Rukh Khan, SRK, Ra.One,  Movies, Bollywood

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